Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Agrisoft Systems Company Profile

1.1. Location

The main office of PT Agrisoft-Systems Indonesia (Agrisoft-Systems) is located in Yogyakarta, DIY, Indonesia. The company was founded in 1998 by Armin Gfroerer Kerstan.

2.1. Business facts

PT Agrisoft-Systems Indonesia is the developer and vender of agricultural data management software and information and expert systems. We also develop custom made DBMS and GIS solutions and specialist systems according to customer specifications.

Since our first OMP-AMIS plantation management programmes were installed in Sumatra more than 10 years ago, Agrisoft-Systems has experienced a continuous, yearly growth of the customer base, and to date the software is licensed for about half a million hectare of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.

Our customers are national and multinational plantation companies and food producers, like Cargill USA, Sipef Belgium, the Malaysian Kulim Group, or Bumitama Gunajaya Agro from Indonesia, as well as a number of medium sized companies or institutes, like the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), DAMI oil palm research station, or the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).

3.1. Business environment

Any large scale agricultural activity changes the environment, but the plantation industry, especially in Indonesia due to the huge area extensions during the last decade, frequently finds itself in the hot seat for converting primary forest into oil palm estates, endangering biodiversity, and contributing to global warming, in particular through the conversion of deep peat soils.

Consumer organizations and more and more end users demand transparency over the whole production cycle and insist on a detailed ‘proof of activity’ and on socially and ecologically acceptable production methods.

In addition, the industry as a whole is consistently underperforming by harvesting only about half of the site-specific yield potential of the areas currently planted with oil palm, and has still an enormous scope for improvement.

Many of the leading companies are aware of the problems and move towards good management standards, agro-ecological long term sustainability, social acceptance and eco-labelling, and increased productivity.

Agrisoft-Systems develop the software tools required to analyse, implement and monitor the necessary management inputs at estate and field level. Our agricultural management information systems (AMIS) offer data management and GIS solutions for plantation crops, which set the industry standard for precision management in large scale commercial operations.

Our customer base are all companies who want to make the move towards increased productivity with sustainable production methods, and need the tools to manage the data and information for the practical field level implementation.

4.1. Products & Services

Our main product is the OMP-AMIS[1] information system for agronomy data management and precision agriculture in oil palm plantations. A similar crop specific package is available as JMP-AMIS for Jatropha plantings (biofuel).

The whole software line includes modules to manage the typical physical data and perfor­mance parameters for all production stages: seed production and tissue culture, nursery management, and the whole life cycle during field planting.

The AMIS software is licensed to the end-user and supported by long term maintenance agreements, on-site trainings and user workshops.

The strength of our products is our open development concept. Solutions are developed in close cooperation with agronomists and technical services of our customers and with contributions from individual scientists, who are involved in the design and development steps and extensive field testing.

As a result, our software is easy to use and works under field conditions. The system provides relevant, usable information to agronomists, technical advisors and estate managers

The database can be adjusted to varying site-specific conditions and parameters in different locations, and fits for different organizational management structures.

The installation is scaleable, from a single Windows PC to the server based Enterprise edition for a corporate network.

The AMIS software is designed to support advanced field management concepts, like planting by progeny, yield profiles and site-specific productivity parameters, yield gap analysis for maximum economic yield targets, and various best management practices (BMP) for nutrient management, harvesting and field upkeep tasks.

It covers integrated pest management (IPM), planning and tracking of chemicals and crop residue inputs, and soil protection. Many standard reports and maps in AMIS can be directly used for RSPO[2] and ISO 14001 auditing and certification.

Agrisoft-Systems take as well regularly part in the scientific discussion during industry conferences, and we have published a number of technical and scientific papers on data processing methods for yield improvement and sustainability.

Currently, Agrisoft-Systems support long term BMP trial projects in 5 locations in Malaysia and Indonesia in a programme carried out by the International Plant Nutrition Institute IPNI, and a micro organism project by Teknik Istimewa Sdn Bhd (both Malaysia).

Beside our plantation software, we develop custom made database and GIS programmes for project management and impact monitoring (GTZ German-Indonesian technical cooperation) and decision support systems (IRRI, PPI).

5.1. Personnel

Agrisoft-Systems have currently (March 2009) a permanent staff of 20 people with the following responsibilities and positions:

Company management

Director Utama

Armin Gfroerer Kerstan

Director Agronomy

Thomas Fairhurst

Komisaris Utama



Max Kerstan

Chief of development;
Science and agronomy

Science and agronomy; high level customer support

Finance & Accounting


Office management, marketing and customer relations


4 positions

Scientific and technical design & Software project management


6 positions

Software development and programming, training, documentation


6 positions

6.1. Publications

Thomas Fairhurst, Ian Rankine, Armin Gfroerer Kerstan, Vince McAleer, Clive Taylor and William Griffiths

A Conceptual Framework for Precision Agriculture in Oil Palm Plantations

in: Thomas Fairhurst, Rolf Härdter (ed.)
Oil Palm: Management for Large and Sustainable Yields. Singapore (2003)

William Griffiths, Thomas Fairhurst, Ian Rankine, Armin Gfroerer Kerstan, and Clive Taylor

Identification and elimination of yield gaps in oil palm. Use of OMP7 and GIS
In: International Oil Palm Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 8-12 July 2002

Rankine, I. R., Gfroerer-Kerstan, A., Kuruvilla, J. and Fairhurst, T. (2001)

OMP7 - A Field History and Mapping Facility.
The Planter, 77, (899), 79-92.

Thomas Fairhurst, Ian Rankine, Armin Gfroerer Kerstan, Vince McAleer, Clive Taylor and William Griffiths

Concepts for Precision Plantation Management
The Oil Palm. Management for Large and Sustainable Yields, Singapore 2003

Fairhurst, T., Gfroerer-Kerstan, A., Rankine, I. R. and Kuruvilla, K. J. (2000)

Use of Geographical Information Systems in Plantation Agriculture: Linking Digital Maps to Agronomic Database Sets.
In: Pushparajah, E. (ed.) International Planters Conference 2000. The Incorporated Society of Planters, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17-20 May 2000, pp.755-767

T.H. Fairhurst, Armin Gfroerer-Kerstan and Ian Rankine

PPI/PPIC Nutrient Management Services for Oil Palm
In: Better Crops International Vol. 13, No. 1, May 1999

7.1. Contact information

Armin Gfroerer Kerstan:

Thomas Fairhurst:

Yogyakarta March 2009

[1] Oil palm Management Programme - Agricultural Management Information System.

[2] The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

PT. TUV NORD Indonesia Approved as RSPO Certification Body
The RSPO Executive Board is pleased to announce their approval of:

PT. TUV NORD Indonesia
Menara Bank Danamon 11th floor Suite 1106
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. E4 No. 6
Jakarta 12950, Indonesia

Monday, September 22, 2008

Palm Oil Chemical Composition

The oil palm produces two types of oils; crude palm oil (CPO) from the fibrous mesocarp and crude palm kernel oil (CPKO) from the kernels. Although both oils originate from the same fruit, palm oil is chemically and nutritionally different from palm kernel oil. It is one of the only two mesocarp oils available commercially, the other being olive oil.
In conventional milling process, the FFB’s are sterilized and the fruitlets stripped off. The loose fruitlets are then digested and pressed to extract the CPO. The kernels are separated from the fibrous mesocarp in the press cake and later cracked to obtained CPKO.

Chemical composition
The palm oil and palm kernel oil are composed of fatty acids, esterified with glycerol just like any ordinary fat. Both are high in saturated fatty acids, about 50% and 80%, respectively. The oil palm gives its name to the 16 carbon saturated fatty acid palmitic acid found in palm oil; monounsaturated oleic acid is also a constituent of palm oil while palm kernel oil contains mainly lauric acid. Palm oil is the largest natural source of tocotrienol, part of the vitamin E family. Palm oil is also high in vitamin K and dietary magnesium.

Palm oil, being a vegetable oils, is cholesterol-free. Having a naturally semi solid characteristic at room temperature with a specific origin melting point between 33ºC to 39ºC, it does not require hydrogenation for use as a food an ingredient.

CPO is deep orange red in colour due to the high content of natural carotenes. Palm oil is rich source of carotenoids and vitamin E which confers natural stability against oxidative deterioration.

Fractionation separates oil into liquid and solid fractions. Palm oil can be fractionated into liquid (olein) and solid (stearin) components.

Palm oil has a balanced ratio of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. It contains 38.7% oleic acid (monounsaturated fatty acid), 10.5% linoleic acid (polyunsaturated fatty acid), 44.3% palmitic acid, 1% Myristic acid, 4.6% stearic acid (saturated fatty acid) and 0.9% other acids. This composition results in an edible oil that is suitable for use in a variety of food applications.

New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL) certified to be in conformance to RSPO Principles & Criteria

Source:Rspo web site.
Agrisoft-Systems congratulates to the achievement

The RSPO is pleased to inform that it has approved for BSI Management Systems Singapore to certify New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL) estates in Papua New Guinea as conforming to RSPO Principles and Criteria with PNG National Interpretation indicators and guidance.

The public summary audit report by BSI Management Systems Singapore is available at:
[ ]

New certificates for sustainable palm oil

A programme to allow large palm oil users to prove that they are supporting sustainable production methods has gone into operation this week. The scheme aims to allow large users - typically manufacturers and retailers of food - to buy GreenPalm certificates that have been registered by palm oil grower United Plantations following an extensive sustainability audit by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

"The GreenPalm scheme will enable United Plantations to earn valuable extra income, in direct proportion to their output of sustainable palm oil," said GreenPalm spokesman Bob Norman.

The RSPO measured United Plantations performance against a number of criteria, including legality of operations, economic viability, best practice in operations and environmental and social responsibility.

The company will now be audited annually if it wishes to continue to issue credits.

"This was certainly no "greenwash"; it could not afford to be if we are to achieve our objective of delivering sustainable palm oil," said Norman.

Several more palm oil producers are currently going through the audit process and hope to be certified soon.

Palm oil is used in a vast range of everyday products, including soaps, chocolate bars, ice cream, ready-to-eat meals and margarine.

It is a major source of income for both Indonesia and Malaysia's economies, particularly since EU biofuel targets led to increased growing of the crop in respose to demand from biofuel firms.

European consumption of plant-based fuels is expected to soar from around three million tons last year to more than 30 million tons in 2010.

However, major concerns have been raised about the sustsinability of increased demand for the crop with a number of investigations from environmental groups such as WWF and Friends of the Earth finding that large tracts of rainforest have been illegally cleared to make way for palm oil plantations.

Under such circumstances the carbon savings delivered by palm oil derived biofuels are completely negated as a result of the deforestation with one study claiming that the biofuel can result in levels of carbon emissions that are significantly higher than fossil fuels.

A number of UK firms, including supermarket giant Sainsbury's, have responded to the discovery by pledging to ensure that all the palm oil they buy is sourced from sustainable plantations that do not contribute to deforestation. The RSPO now hopes that sustainability certificates will provide them with a credible means of doing so.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Proper attitude in the office $B!D (B..

Boss is not here

Sunday, July 27, 2008


PT Agrisoft-Systems Indonesia

Jadwal Training OMP

Day 01: 29 July 2008

Training schedule:

    • 8:00-10:00 Introducing OMP.

    • 10:15-12:00 Installation & set-up (estate level).

        1. OMP / OMP GIS installation.

        2. Relinking OMP/refresh GIS.

        3. Linked table manager.

        4. Hands on - View block, DA, Reports, GIS Map, Basic navigation, Access keys.

        5. Constant values - agronomy, system administration.

        6. Pick up list settings - All data entry requirement.

        7. GIS settings.

        8. Password maintenance.

    • 13:00-14:00 DE principles and data collation / System parameter

    • 14:00-16:00 Enter basic block data.

  1. New block entry.

    • Data collection form – New block data.

    • Block entry (3 divisions x 10 blocks).

    • Data review (Size and other block specific parameter).

  1. Prepare next year (4 years).

  2. Prepare first year (1 year).

  3. Delete last year.

  4. Delete first year.

  5. Prepare new development (1 division x 5 block).

  6. Append next year.

  7. Filter form.

  8. Data analysis – Yield/General Production/Printing.

    • All DA

    • Filter use to generate report

    • 16:00-16:30 Q&A

Day 02 – 30 July 2008

Training schedule:

    • 8:00-9:00 DE yield and production calculations
      Using Filter settings, data evaluation

    • 9:15-12:00 DE yield, harvesting, tree census, Data evaluation

  1. Data collection form.– Yield data.

  2. Block entry - Yield.

    • Tab stop settings. Combo goto.

    • Monthly entry.

    • On screen filter/sort/Data evaluation.

  1. Block entry – Palm census.

  2. Red text box update in block entry form.

  3. Assign new criteria in pick up list.

  4. Update criteria in block entry form.

  5. Calculation method - Yield.

  6. Data analysis – Yield.

    • Yield and Block performance.

    • Harvesting round length.

    • Harvester productivity.

    • Yield statistic.

  1. GIS yield.

    • 13:00-14:00 DE fertilizer, CR, nutrients, GIS.

    • 14:00-16:00 Enter fertilizer and CR data.

  1. System settings - Fertilizer type.

  2. System settings - Constant values – Fertilizer application method.

  3. Pick up list settings - Introduction to soil type, yield potential and yield distribution.

  4. Fertilizer entry.

    • Recommendation and application entry – single block.

    • Nutrient calculation.

    • Copy recommendation.

    • Reconcilliation.

  1. Block entry – Nutrients.

  2. Data analysis.

    • Nutrients.

    • Fertilizer application and requirement.

  1. GIS fertilizer.

  2. Add-ins Pesticide – Define Active ingridients, define produk, select calculation unit.

  3. Add-ins Pesticide – Entry.

  4. Add-ins Pesticide - Data analysis.

    • Pesticides and Active ingridients.

  1. GIS pesticide.

    • 16:00-16:30 Present results.

  1. All participants prepare 5 reports.

Day 03 – 31 July 2008

Training schedule:

    • 8:00-9:00 DE Field Upkeep, YGA, BMP, DA Field upkeep.

    • 9:15-12:00 DE yearly data.Data evaluation, update methods .


        1. Fertilizer entry continue

    • 13:00-14:00 DE Add-in Intro.

14:00-16:00 Enter and use add-in data.

        1. Topic: Block entry – Field upkeep.

          • Environment/P&D.

          • Veg. Growth/Management.

          • Leaf analysis.

          • Soil analysis.

        1. Data analysis – Field upkeep.

          • Environment/P&D.

          • Veg. Growth/Management.

          • Leaf analysis.

          • Soil analysis.

        1. Rainfall entry.

          • Block entry form.

          • Rainfall entry form.

        1. Data analysis – Rainfall.

        2. Data analysis – Yield gap.

        3. Data analysis – BMP.

16:00-16:30 Present results.

Day 04 – 01 August 2008

Training schedule:

    • 8:00-10:00 Training resume

    • 10:15-12:00 Advanced system settings, db maintenance.

  1. Topic: Add-ins Crop budget.

  • Data entry.

    • Prepare conversion rate.

    • Prepare new budget.

    • Budget entry.

    • Copy monthly distribution.

  • Data analysis.

  1. Add-in Crop Forecast.

  • Data entry.

    • Block assignment.

    • BBC count entry.

  • Data analysis and reporting.

  1. Add-in field upkeep.

    • Define scores.

    • Data collection form – Inspection.

    • Inspection entry.

    • Data analysis.

  1. Add-in – Crop loss audit.

    • Data entry.

    • Data analysis/report.

    • 13:00-14:00 Q&A.

    • 14:00-16:00 OMP enterprise, OMP group.


  1. OMP add-ins block maintenance.

    • Rename/combine division.

    • Split division/move block.

    • Assign block to field.

    • Assign block to LSU.

    • Rename/Combine/Split/Delete block.

    • Split/Combine database.

  1. Importing data from excel sheet

  2. Upgrade OMP.

  3. OMP Enterprise, setup VPN

  4. OMP Group licence,Headquarter setup.

16:00-16:30 Closing training

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